To help ensure a COVID-19 safe environment and provide a responsible event we have created a set of COVID-19 protocols to ensure the ultimate safety of you and your family. Our COVID-safe measures include:

• Dedicated entry/exit points to avoid crowds accumulating in key areas.

• Complimentary masks available to patrons.

• All personnel involved with the ride set-up, deliveries and operation required to check-in via dedicated QR code.

• All staff required to wear masks where social distancing is not possible.

• All staff are fully vaccinated.

• Family groups encouraged to stay together.

• High-touch surface areas will be cleaned and disifected after each ride cycle.

• Social distancing measures will be strictly adhered to in que up areas and clearly marked.

• Arrows and floor markings to encourage safe movement through key areas.

• Hand sanitiser dispensers provided on entry.

• Anybody found breaching COVID-19 safe protocols or refusing to follow COVID-safe instructions will be asked to leave the ride.

PLEASE NOTE: If you have any symptoms do not ride.